Do you deserve what you desire?

Here on another episode of Welcome to my Brain: Everything is 99.9999% energy according to quantum physics, and why we can’t wait for the external world to change to feel good or get what we desire. We need to move first. 

Say you want a job/client/date/etc. and you are tuned into the radio station of 90.9 and you aren’t very confident in yourself/your skills/etc. and you are “hoping” they say yes and think you’re awesome, but you’re in a state of fear, worry or lack and don’t think you’re good enough but maybe, just maybe, someone else will want you/can tell you you are worthy enough. While there are some sweet angels of people who lift us up, it’s not the answer. 

I mean, how attractive is that person who wants to date you, but thinks they are a loser and says horrible things to themselves inside their head? 

Your dream job/dream client/dream date who is confident/amazing/exciting/positive is tuned into a higher radio station frequency of 107.9. 

When you interact with each other, it’s a mismatch in energy. 

⛈(you) 90.9➡️ ⚡️nope⚡️ ⬅️107.9 (them)☀️

You clash into each other and they can subconsciously read your energy as not good enough or that something is just “off” and isn’t a “match.”

However, if you work on yourself first, change your self-concept and step into a new identity as your ideal self to 107.9, then it’s a match and you get what you want! 

☀️(you) 107.9➡️ ✨yay!✨ ⬅️107.9 (them)☀️

But you have to be self-led. You have to practice your ideal self daily. Heal traumas and fears. 

Know that you are worthy af! And that “it’s this or something better!” Integrate the belief that you are the type of person that does this job/dates this type of person/makes that money from a place of aligned energy because it’s “so you!” not your ego needing to be soothed and wanted by external forces. Practice and edit everything in your life to match that identity/life.

Lack energy and chasing pushes what you want further away. Abundant energy makes you a magnet for your desires, you’re the flower and they are the bees! The world is simply just a mirror of your subconscious mind.

That is one way we can quantum shift and change our reality to get our desires. And it’s not to say the other way won’t work, it can, but that’s when life feels like a grind trying to manipulate 3D linear time. 

Instead, you can collapse time (time is only an illusion) and shift your entire identity instead. The past does not rule your future. Presence opens you up to infinite possibilities. 

Also, don’t be fooled, sometimes what we think we want isn’t really meant for us. Rejection is redirection. You are the bombdotcom and if they don’t see it, something better is around the corner. 🙌

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