Reconnecting with your Intuition
My friend Lindsay and I started early this year and painted our #2022wordoftheyear
My word is “Intuition.” The crystal used for the “I” is a smokey citrine holding the vibration of manifestation, abundance, intuition and confidence.
I chose this word because lately, I had been making decisions based on how “other people” did things and assumed I should also do things the same way. My brain is SO tired of being analytical, and as an INTP, this seems to be my go-to.
But at the core of of my essence, I’m a rebel. I’ve always done things “my” way based on MY intuition, and not others. I need to reconnect with that.
I’ve been trying to do things the “right way,” realizing that is NOT what connects me to my greatest gifts. I’ve trusted my intuition for my biggest decisions and it has never failed me.
I’ve unfollowed people I’ve been trying to emulate. They are not me and if I try to be like them, I am not me!
Your intuition won’t fail you. It’s the essence of who you are. The deepest connection to your soul. There are no “rules.” Humans make all of this sh*t up! The only rules that exist are the laws of the universe.
Why are you questioning if what you’re doing is the “right” thing? Why do you need to analyze or research every possibility to make sure it’s the right way?
You’ve disconnected from the most important thing you have, your intuition. Your gut. Your sacral chakra. Your higher self. Whatever you want to call it.
Where have you been ignoring your true self?
PS: I am SO passionate about self-trust, I want to invite you to join The Cozy Author Club, where you will write a book in 3 months. How? Because we will write from a place of clarity. We won’t “overanalyze.” There is no right or wrong. The soul of your book is calling you and it’s already written, ready to inspire the next chapter of your life.
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