What is Hygge?
If you have not been introduced to the Danish concept of coziness, I highly recommend that you check it out. It’s a growing lifestyle trend in Europe and the United States, with bloggers, writers and lifestyle social media personalities talking all about the benefits of it. But its no secret to the Danes, who have had hygge embedded into their culture for centuries.
To me, hygge embodies what Less of the Excess is all about. A lifestyle of getting rid of distractions, slowing down, connection and living meaningfully.
An awesome blog about hygge to check it is www.hellohygge.com. You’ll get all sorts of coziness delivered to you in one space.
Here’s a little introduction in case you want to learn more – an excerpt from my book, The Cozy Life.
What is Hygge?
Hygge, pronounced HOO-gah, is both a noun and a verb and does not have a direct translation into English. The closest word would have to be coziness, but that doesn’t really do it justice.
While hygge is centered around cozy activities, it also includes a mental state of wellbeing and togetherness. It’s a holistic approach to deliberately creating intimacy, connection, and warmth with ourselves and those around us.
When we hygge, we make a conscious decision to find joy in the simple things. For example, lighting candles and drinking wine with a close friend you haven’t seen in a while, or sprawling out on a blanket while having a relaxing picnic in the park with a circle of your loved ones in the summertime are both hygge.
Though hygge is often a planned affair, it can be as simple as curling up and reading a good book on the sofa. It’s about surrounding ourselves with everything we love and treasuring the moment. In a big departure from modern culture, we intentionally enjoy the domestic and personal aspects of life, rather than rushing through them just to make it through the day’s tasks. We seek and embrace that warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
Danish researcher, Jeppe Trolle Linnet, even suggests that translating hygge into homeyness is more appropriate because in Scandinavia, the home is the one place where we can be ourselves and shut out negativity from the world outside. It’s so important to have a place where we can go and feel protected from it all; it’s something we all deserve.
While hygge is typically associated with the colder seasons of fall and winter, you can hygge in the spring and summertime as well. Picnics in the park, lazy beach days, music festivals, barbecues, and bicycle rides are all hygge. There’s nothing better than spending the day at the beach with friends and having no other plans scheduled.
When we can enjoy what is right in front of us, we end up living a life that is truly present. With Hygge we create a safe haven where we can relax without pressures to be anyone else but who we are. We invite those we love into our world and create an environment of togetherness.
Read more here.
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